Sierra Flame Lynwood W76 Cast Iron Wood Stove

  • Sale
  • $4,495.00
  • Regular price $4,995.00

The Sierra Flame Lynwood W76 is a welcome addition for wood burners everywhere, and is what a wood-burning stove should be: efficient, low emissions, and provides great flames with a maximum viewing area. Versatile, the Lynwood W76 wood-burning stove adapts to any room and will create a cozy atmosphere in any space. EPA 2020 certified, the Lynwood W76 wood-burning stove brings warmth without compromising on air quality.

Type Solid Fuel Room Heater
Type of Combustion Non-catalytic
Fuel Type Dry Cordwood (15% moisture)
Main Material Cast Iron
Firebox Isolation Vermiculite
Flue Exit 6” (150 mm) Back to top connector
Recommended Heating Area 450 to 2,000 ft.2 (42 to 185 m2)
Nominal Firebox Volume 1.55 ft.3 (0.044 m3)
Maximum Burn Time 1 14 hours
Maximum Heat Output (dry cordwood) 2 57,700 BTU/h (16.91 kW)
Overall Heat Output Rate (min. to max.) 3 13,784 BTU/h to 57,684 BTU/h
(4.04 kW to 16.91 kW)
Average Overall Efficiency 3 71% (HHV) 4 76% (LHV) 5
Optimum Efficiency 5 78%
Average Particulate Emissions Rate 7  1.81 g/h (EPA/CSA B415.1-10)
Average CO5 120 g/h


Sierra Flame Website for more information